
How to record research software in CRIS (Current Research Information Systems)

How to report software outputs in RIS

This guide shows the method for recording software outputs in RIS as implemented at the University of Nottingham (3rd April 2019).

From the menu bar select Outputs->Add New Output


Four input options are given. For software outputs either using a DOI or manual input are appropriate.


Add Manually

In order to select a software output use Type->Digital Artifact. This enables the Digital Artefact Type dropdown menu from which Software can be selected. Publication Status can be selected as Published for Open Source.


The Media option is a mandatory field. In this case Online is chosen for software which is downloadable online.


The rest of the fields are optional and can be edited from the Outputs page at a later date if not input at this stage.


On completion of the desired fields select Create Output

Add Authors

Outputs added manually will not have any authors or contributors associated with them. To add these select the Authors tab from the output record and use the green Edit button to add authors.


Add by DOI

If software has been released with a DOI select Add by DOI from the Add New Output dialog and enter the DOI in the following dialog.


RIS searches for the output and populates the records from the output metadata. This remains untested for a DOI for software.